The US Department of Energy has a Federal Smart Grid Task Force, a 44 page Grid 2030 Vision , a Modern Grid Strategy , and a Smart Grid Newsletter. There is also a downloadable Smart Grid Diagram, and Smart Grid Activities .
As you read through the USDA and WRA Smart Grid website content, you will surely agree that all these ideas and agendas are necessary. We absolutely do need to focus on the delivery technology and the reliability of the infrastructure, but somewhere in here we seem to have forgotten the landowners’ protest of 1970s Minnesota.
Have we gotten so focused on a Smart delivery technology that we ignore Smart planning for the placement of those power lines?
Let’s make sure that Smart Grid planners do not ignore the lessons from our own history.
Powerline: The First Battle of America’s Energy War by noted grassroots activist/academic Paul David Wellstone, and Barry M. Casper tells the story of transmission line agendas gone awry in 1970s Minnesota.
Larry Long’s song “The Pope County Blues” memorializes the 1970s rebellion of conservative farmers who were turned into rebels over power lines being strung across their land. (Note, click on the link here then scroll down to the Living in a Rich Man’s World song list to download.)
Very special thanks to for their recent reminder on the Minnesota protest history. To visit their site and to read more on this “other side” of wind power, take a good look here: Eco-friendly wind power’s growth to deliver less-popular side effect . It inspired me to look into yet another issue we wind power activists need to think and talk about.
[...] twee interessante berichten over twee alternatieve energiebronnen: wind-energie en zonne-energie. Beide auteurs komen tot de conclusie dat deze vormen van zogenaamde decentrale [...]
magnetic motor…
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