by Timlynn Babitsky
Ah, a few more entries in the Wind Songs hunt. Same song title – The Will of the Wind- two different takes; two different artists - both are on YouTube. (more…)
by Timlynn Babitsky
Ah, a few more entries in the Wind Songs hunt. Same song title – The Will of the Wind- two different takes; two different artists - both are on YouTube. (more…)
by Timlynn Babitsky
I’ve been on a hunt for songs and music with the beauty of wind as the theme. There are certainly a number of songs about the terrible power of wind. You know, sinking ships, blowing away dreams and that kind of thing. I posted my query to one of the best folk music websites thinking there MUST be some great ”good wind” folk songs….and three songs were immediately posted in reply: (more…)
by Timlynn Babitsky
“Turbines are ugly. They will totally spoil my view of ______ (insert your favorite location).” This argument is one of the hardest ones for me to digest. The kinetic elegance of a tall turbine moving to the rhythm of the air blowing by is incredibly beautiful. In fact, it’s inspirational. (more…)