by Timlynn Babitsky
If you have not yet seen EPURON’s “Power of the Wind” TV spot yet. Sit back and get wowed! A Golden Lion award winner at the International Advertising Festival in Cannes, the “Power of Wind” ad is recognized as one of the most successful TV ads from Germany. Take a minute to watch the video and see one of the most clever wind ads in a long time – it will definitely make you smile. (more…)
by Timlynn Babitsky
KiteShip Corporation founders Dave Culp, and Dean Jordan plan to build kites as large as a football field to power cargo ships and oil tankers. Unlike traditional sails which require masts and specialized rigging, the kite could be easily attached to an existing ship and moved from one vessel to another in a commercial fleet. Using a KiteShip kite along with traditional engine power, could provide fuel savings of between 15-30 percent. (more…)
by Timlynn Babitsky
“Turbines are ugly. They will totally spoil my view of ______ (insert your favorite location).” This argument is one of the hardest ones for me to digest. The kinetic elegance of a tall turbine moving to the rhythm of the air blowing by is incredibly beautiful. In fact, it’s inspirational. (more…)
by Timlynn Babitsky
Stop and think for a minute. How many old computers, monitors, cell phones, printers, etc., have you already owned in your life? Where are they now? To deal with the 600 million to 800 million personal computers sitting in back closets, basements and self-storage units in the US, each wrapping substantial amounts of toxic metals, two innovative companies have come up with a solution to a growing recycle nightmare. (more…)
by Timlynn Babitsky
“Why do you want to put a turbine there? We don’t have good wind,” is often the very first sign of potential disagreement with your wind project. To answer these potential resistors you need to take this question seriously even if you live in one of the top five windiest states in the nation. Why? (more…)
by Timlynn Babitsky
Whether you are a small wind fan (pun intended), or a large commercial scale wind farm enthusiast, if you have not yet decided on the kind of project you or your group want to support. Your first stop is here. (more…)
by Timlynn Babitsky
If you are sure that a wind project is in your future expect to do a great deal of homework. You must quickly become an ‘expert’ on everything related to your project. Unless you are already a wind expert, what do you need to know? (more…)
by Timlynn Babitsky
Wind energy is clean, sustainable, renewable, efficient, low-cost. We must capture this Wealth From The Wind for farmers and rural America. Wind energy works for the benefit of the American economy…Speaking on behalf of the American Corn Growers Foundation (ACGF), (more…)
by Timlynn Babitsky
Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY), Not Off My Back Porch (NOMBP) and Anywhere But Here (ABH) make good t-shirt logos and fun sound bites in the media. They also provide excellent road maps for wind project supporters. How do you change resistance to support? (more…)